Tuesday, October 06, 2009

On Saturday, we had another show. Small Town, USA. We did okay, sold a few things other than kid necklaces & rocks, for which I'm always grateful. After the show we went to a friends house and had dinner, drinks and a bunch of laughs. That was great fun. The not so fun part was driving home, although it does make me switch to drinking water about an hour or so before we leave. I think the drive is only 37 miles, but it feels like 137, especially the last 16. I was a little noddy, but for once, Obbie stayed awake and kept talking.

The next day we went to the Fells Point Fun Fest. If you ever have an opportunity to visit, I highly recommend it! Lots of vendors, everything from African Art to flea market wares to Sham Wows to high dollar ART. Then there's food vendors of every stripe, rides for kiddies, non-profit information booths, bands, beer, bars, and did I mention the food? We visited my favorite beading person in the world, sat in her booth for awhile and people watched. It was a beautiful day on the pier, with the boats coming & going. All the bars had their doors wide open and the football watchers were whooping it up. We ate a mozzarella filled arepa, which was surprisingly good, an empanada (a first for both Obbie & I) and watched a vendor who had a big wrought iron tee pee over an open fire. On the teepee were steaks, stretched out on hooks, so the fire would cook them from the inside out. This was very cool, and we ended up with some of the sliced steak to go. (We ate it in the car, so it didn't get very far) We came home with full bellies and sore feet (the cobblestones are KILLER on the feet) and I ended up falling asleep very early 'watching' the Steelers.

And back to Monday. Work is awful lately. The Big is miserable, going around finding fault with everything and everyone, putting all of us in terrible moods right off the bat, since we're never sure if we're going to be next to have something we do picked apart. It makes for a stressful work environment for everyone, including upper management. Because of course, they get THEIR asses bitched at if there's a problem with us peons. Oh well. Suck it up. Five o'clock is our mantra.

And that's it for now. Another show this weekend. Work, work work....

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