Sunday, May 25, 2008

There's Always Room for more Supplies....

I spent today just goofing around. Which isn't a bad thing.

Yesterday at Michael's Crafts, I found 99 cent packages of Premo Polymer Clay. (usually 2.97!!) and from their bargain bin, Swarovski crystals for a buck a package. No, I haven't opened the packages yet, as a matter of fact, I haven't even opened the bag. It's over on the workbench.

Today, we went to the Big City Flea Market, which, by and large, is a crapfest. We did meet a nice lady selling tons of funny little brass bits & pieces. All kinds of stuff. Then, after spending whopping $3 with her, I went two booths down, and a lady was selling everything on her tarp for .50 each. I got a big huge ziploc full of game pieces, buttons, dice, little animal figures, and all sorts of miscellaneous bits and pieces. For another 50 cents I got a bag of fabric trims with sequins and beads and tassels....more just bizarro stuff.

No, I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with all this junk. But it's here, and when my Muse shows up again, it'll be used in various ways. I do have visions of the big bag o'crap hot glued all over cigar boxes (yes, as a matter of fact I do have one or two of them laying around...)

I think I have to stop watching HDTV at 6:00 am. The crafty shows are putting wacky ideas into my head.

After the flea we went down to Riverfront to the Arts Fest. It wasn't scheduled to open til 12:00(which is why we went to the flea market) but when got there at 11:45 it was already packed. As much as the City and it's ART SCENE irritates me, I give the Arts Fest folks high marks for running a classy show. Most impressive. They space the vendors out nicely (i.e. not five jewelry people in a row, or eight potters in a section) they keep the traffic flowing, and the vendors are all nice quality items. No buy/sell or other kinds of bullshit.

Truth be told, I'd look into selling there. The booth fees are high, but after running the numbers on the last two Virginia shows, I'd be spending the same $$ but could go home at night and sleep in my own bed.

But who know what'll be happening next year at this time? I could have sold all my accumulated stuff as destash at Etsy and be out of the jewelry business altogether.

But that's not likely.

In non-artsy related news, I planted tomatoes yesterday, and today we bought a flat of marigolds, a flat of assorted annuals, and some herbs. So I'll plant stuff tomorrow. (What time does Lowe's open? I need dirt for pots)

Obbie grilled burgers and potatoes & onions, and they were steller. He also grilled up a pork tenderloin for dinner sometime this week. Tomorrow we're heading to Big Momma's house for a cookout, which should be some kind of usual.

Take care, and hug your veterans!

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