Thursday, November 08, 2007


Entry number THREE, since Flogger isn't playing well with others tonight.

Work was challenging, and by the time I got home, I felt like a limp noodle. I also smooshed my finger between the door and my coffee mug. Don't ask. I was trying to get two twenty five pound bags of cat litter, a fifteen pound bag of cat food, my purse, keys, mug and groceries thru the front door. To only get a finger smooshed after all that is minor.

Now after a cup of coffee, I'm at least able to stand upright again. Beat down much?

I'm making smothered pork chops. I've never smothered a pork chop with anything other than yummy eating noises, but this recipe has mushrooms, onions, madera wine, cream of mushroom soup and sour cream in it. Mmmm...cue the yummy noises! And it's all fat free! Imagine that.

I'll be going off to make more jewelry shortly. The stock, she's low, and I need to produce a piece a day to make the upcoming craft show worthwhile. It's next weekend, so I better get my bead on. (hahahaha...that make me laugh out loud, and the cats scattered)

Just like that. The smothereds are done, the wild rice is done, and I'm done here. I think I'll try to post this one. more. time.

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