Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Isn't It Ironic?

That Michael Richard's character Kramer had a lawyer who was a parody of Johnny Cochran? (who was a parody of Jesse Jackson?)

It only took four months of marriage for Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson's TRUE LOVE FOR-EVAH to be a thing of the past?

You always win the stuff on eBay you don't really want, and you always lose on the stuff you really want. (But can't stay up all night to keep an eye out for outbid notices)

Pea soup-That color dosen't exist elsewhere in the world of soup. Probably a good thing. (It's lunch, from Progresso, pretty tasty, but why oh why do they put carrots and whole peas in it? Makes it more like barf than ever.)

Oh, and since Organic Lisa won't return my calls, wasn't Sunnyvale Buffy the Vampire Slayer's hometown?

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