Monday, November 15, 2004

I want I want I want

I want

I want to go for a walk in the woods.
I want to go for a long, long drive to someplace I've never been before.
I want some pecan waffles.
I want to sleep and not dream about estates, wills, property or death.
I want to not be stressed out by OP at work.
I want to fit into the smaller jeans.

And the list could go on for hours.

In going through Dad's stuff, I'm kind of sad to note that he didn't have a whole lotta stuff.

He's got lots of debris. Receipts, papers, old cancelled checks, weird screws from goodness knows what project, Christmas paper he and Nance got on sale, stuff like that.

I've bounced this off my Mom, and she said he had good friends, good liquor, some toys, and those were his priorities. I guess theres nothing to be said for that. He lived the way he wanted to. Who am I to think he was unhappy because he didn't have STUFF?

That makes me rethink (sort of) my obesssion with STUFF. I have no need for 3/4 (or more) of the stuff I've accumulated in the years I've lived here. It's just STUFF. Really. Throw it all away and start over again. No way. I would be crushed. I think. I don't really know.

But I really REALLY do want that MSR Dragonfly Backpack Stove. Really.

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