Saturday, October 09, 2004

Now I've figured it out. I have to get up early every day and do the things I need to do! Thats the secret! I took those cool pics of the sunrise this morning, had coffee, pulled the batteries out of the smoke alarm (yay!) made a list of things I need to do today, addressed an ebay damn, I am on FIRE! Makes up for being a sluffington the rest of the time, maybe.

Thanks to Mikey who clued me in to Papa Johns Pizza online. You suck. Thanks. How cool is it? Create an account, pick what you want on your pizza, put your credit card number in, and taa get an email confirming your order, and a pizza at your front door in no time. Man, I love technology. Oh yeah, Papa John's Spicy Italian is good...but I'm not thinking anyone will want to spend a great deal of time with me in an enclosed area today.

I downloaded a picture program called Picasa to get these pics on here, it's got a great blogger feature, so you can send the pics from your computer right to the blog. No linking to external hosting sites (which aren't bad either) but it's cool to just be able to send them instantly. We like instant here. (Not coffee, though)

I'm off! Auctions to check out, bad shoes to return, packages to mail, and a festival to check in Carlisle before it's off to the North with Jack.

See ya!

PS-Penn State sucks to be you. Perdue vs Penn State today? tsk, tsk, tsk....

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