Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Rant On

I have a serious bug up my ass today.

Actually, the bug arrived yesterday, but I was far too pissed off to share.

Let me say it now. I would like to wish a pox upon the mega-health insurance company Blue Shield.
No, more than a pox. Extreme difficulties.

A nasty computer virus that would eat their entire database.

Crashing hard drives.

Melting CD-ROMs. Imploding laser printers. Locusts in their servers.

They suck.

And not in the good way.

In their infinite wisdom, they're raising the health insurance costs 30% for my company.

As if thats not enough, they're changing the coverage too.

Usually, this wouldn't be of much great concern. However, in light of my great fall, and the ligament tear, I've become quite interested in my health insurance coverage.

It seems that Blue Shield, in their great wisdom has deemed it possible to have 20 physical therapy sessions in a calendar year. "But", says the salesman, "thats 8 more than the previous plan allowed."
All well and fine, dorkbreath, but the calendar year is January 1 to January 1. Plan year starts on June 1. (to June 1). Therefore, beginning June 1, when my premium goes up, and my co pay goes up, I do NOT get 20 more PT visits. Matter of fact, if I am to continue my PT, it will be in excess of 65 dollars a session. I've already been to PT about 10 times since this all started. And have 6 more WEEKS before I see my knee doctor again. Last I saw him, he recommend PT 3x a week until I saw him again. You do the math, if I do it, I'll go back to being really pissed off again.

The smug little fuck from the insurance company was somewhat taken aback because I was rather, er, distressed about the insanely small amount of PT sessions allowed. Look bud, I only dislocated my knee and tore the ACL, what about people who are in serious car accidents and have to learn to WALK again? What about them? (Insert crickets chirping and the sound of Mr. Insurance man blinking and swallowing...) 20 sessions of PT is a joke! You piece of shit. Climb back into your brand new Jetta and go back to your cushy office you shithead.


So my options are to not go to PT after my allotted sessions are up, and be gimpy or pay the 65 bucks each time. I'm not done yet, though. I'm formulating a plan. God knows I've been bucking the system so long it's like a part time job to me. There has to be a way around this. At least the whole 65 bucks, anyway.

And the worst part about this.....in my company there are people who have far more serious problems than a bad knee. What kind of fuckjob is the insurance doing on them? I'm horrified at that idea. Thats the kind of shit that will keep me up at night.

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