Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Oblongs

Last night I fell asleep on the couch way too early, so I was up at 1:30 and stayed awake for a couple hours. Flipping through the channels, I ended up at TBS. (whoo! cartoons!) and caught a twisted little show I had forgotten about. The Oblongs.

The tight-knit Oblong clan lives in Hill Valley, a toxic valley downstream from your typical industrial waste site, which has caused a variety of bizarre physical and emotional abnormalities. At the head of the dinner table is the loving, limbless, tirelessly upbeat patriarch Bob Oblong and his adoring, alcohol-and-tobacco-addicted, bald-but-beautifully-wigged wife Pickles, who frequents the Rusty Bucket bar, owned by transexual Anita Bidet. The family includes their conjoined twin sons Biff and Chip, who share three legs and three buttocks, but can't seem to agree on anything; sweet, tattling, 4-year-old daughter Beth, sporting a cucumber-like growth sprouting from her head; and youngest son Milo, a one-haired optimist who has every childhood emotional disorder and behavioral problem ever diagnosed. Other members of the family include Bob's mother, Grammy, who's a vegetable; Milo's narcoleptic scottie dog, Scottie; and the chain-smoking family cat, Lucky.

Man, oh man. What a fucked up show. Full of snide remarks, double entendres (Anita Bidet?!) Bob Oblong has no arms, no legs...get it, Bob? Bahahhahahaha...anyway, I'm going to have to find out if when it's on so I can tape it. Last night it was wedged between The Family Guy and Futurama. Two more shows that are just snarky as hell. If they're a regular block of shows in the middle of the night, perhaps I should reset my sleep clock so I'm awake for them, instead of piddling around with Friends and the ever abhorrent Will and Grace (if it wasn't for Karen on that show, I'd never watch)

The Oblongs (I took the above italicized quote from here, so it's not deja vu...)

But then again, perhaps I should get my ass to the library and get some BOOKS for some culture and knowledge and expand beyond stupid TV. I guess once in awhile you need to watch that stuff, but not make a steady diet of it. More people should turn off the tube and have a look around.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm putting on my rubber shoes and foul weather gear to go get my paper. It's residing in a rain puddle in my driveway. Tip your newspaper carrier, folks, it'll help get you dry news.

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